His Love is Silencing and Loud

“… Fear not, O Zion; let not your hands grow weak. The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.”

Fear. I’m so primed to it. But He says, “Fear not”!

Weakness. I feel it so deeply. But He is strong. He is mighty. And He is in my midst.

When I start to sink, He will save. He will fight for me.

When I feel unappreciated or unnoticed – He rejoices over me with gladness.

When my soul is loud – He will quiet me by His love.

His love is silencing. It silences all other voices of condemnation, anxiety, deceit, lies, shame, fear. It silences others’ voices and it silences our own. It silences our striving and it silences our justifying. It silences our worrying and it silences our yearning. His love cuts into our hardness. His love cuts in our self-shaming and it cuts into others’ accusations. His love plows into our doubt. His love cuts in – like a man cuts into a dance to win the beauty.

He will silent all else, then exult over me with the loudest singing. When I feel un-praiseworthy, he rejoices in me with loud singing.

Louder than a city crowd.

His love is silencing and His love is loud.

Jesus, in the midst of brokenness manifested in so many ways, let Your love silence us so we may hear Your song over us. When any thought comes to mind that opposes truth, would You cut in to our dance. Continually interrupt us and lead us into Your song. As the sun rises over the rooftops day after day, awaken and warm our spirits with Your love. Thank you for being in our midst. Thank you for being mighty. You are mighty to save from all situations, circumstances and places.

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